So not only are watching TV on our cell phones, but we are also taking pictures. It’s combining our cells with our cams. Lucky huh? Verizon Wireless, Cingular, AT&T and so on all carry the cell phone that now comes equipped with a camera. Taking pictures and sending them to your friends as another form of a text message has become standard. This technological advancement allows us to share images with one another, bringing each other closer through visual aids. Not only can we take pictures now, but also we can also video record. People are lost without their cell phones, and now not only can they call when they are in need, but also they can document with their cameras as well. Take the Virginia Tech tragedy for instance. News organizations were able to have actual footage of the incident all because a student pulled out his cell phone and recorded it through the use of his built-in camera. A description over the phone is no longer necessary; we can now just simply take a picture and show our person on the other line exactly what we are seeing. It’s amazing, and has already changed the world through its ability to bring people the picture through visuals, rather than just descriptions.
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